It’s Time for Better Website Conversions (aka more sales)

Wondering why no one is buying? Book your website conversion audit.

As a small business owner, you know the importance of reach and traffic. You’ve worked on your site’s SEO, you’re actively marketing your offers, and all that effort drives traffic to your site and sales page(s).

There’s just one thing, though: You’re not seeing the sales you really need to thrive.

When you have interest in your offers and steady traffic to your sales page, it’s a clear sign that your marketing and SEO are working for you. So what gives? Why aren’t people booking or buying more?

Sounds like it’s time to look at your website conversion rates.

Did you know: The average website converts at 2% to 5%.

With a website conversion audit, you’ll get a full report on your highest-value pages’ performance. Heat maps and Google Analytics will uncover exactly how visitors interact with your sales pages, and every recommendation made is solely focused on improving your site’s conversion rate.

You’ll also benefit from my 13+ years of website design and optimization experience, as each website conversion audit is tailored to your site, offers, and industry.

SOME clients I’ve worked with:

Better website conversions in just 1 month!



Improve your website’s conversions with a proven four-week process that analyzes your website data and user behavior. Over the course of four weeks, I’ll use heat maps and Google Analytics to dive deep into how users interact with your sales pages and high-value website copy.

The ultimate goal? Share a full report on how people interact with your offers so you can serve your audience better and drive more sales.

Your timeline for better website conversions

Your website conversion audit won’t just be a set of “standard” actions. I take the time to get to know your brand, your website, and its user experience. I spend about a month auditing, testing, and implementing changes that have a real effect on your revenue.

Your website conversion audit will take about one month and will give you everything you need to know about your site’s previous performance and what to expect moving forward.

Weeks 1-2: Observation and Testing

I use heat maps on 4-5 pages, especially your main sales page(s), to analyze user experience and identify conversion problems. By the end of Week 2, I implement small edits like modifying buttons and headings for optimization.

Weeks 3-4: Analysis and Reporting

I’ll monitor how those changes impact user behavior and conversion rates. At the end of the four weeks, you’ll get a report with findings, changes made, and results. This also serves as your action plan for future sales pages.

When I think about what makes working with Jess so unique and critical to my business, it truly goes beyond a website for me.

Throughout the process, Jess spends time to really educate me on the why’s behind the choices she is making so that I understand how they can impact my business and ability to reach my clients. She also makes sure that I know what to do as well so that I feel I have power to make shifts and changes to my site based on my business need. I think some people don’t realize what they get with working with Jess until the process starts and then its super clear: this is about a larger strategy filled with education and guidance for you and your business and not “just a website.”

Oh, and the four clients I’ve booked in the last 10 days since we worked on the website: 1 Contract: $7500, Accelerator Spot: $2500, 2 Speaking Gigs: $1000!

– Dynasti Hunt

Custom advice to improve your site conversions

We all know there is cookie-cutter advice out there, telling you how to improve your website conversions. Faster load time, clear CTAs, professional-looking design, enticing copy.

But what if you have all that? What else is going on? That’s where a custom website conversion audit comes in, to assess your specific sales pages, show you where you might be losing people, and how to fix it.

With a custom site conversion audit, you’ll finally know what you can improve in no uncertain terms — so you can see stronger sales and more happier customers or clients.

✓ Deep dive into user experience

Your website conversion report isn’t just a list of things that “might” work. I use data-driven insights to understand how users interact with your site. I focus on your highest-value pages with the most sales potential, so you can see real results from the recommended changes.

Strategically boost conversion rates

Improving conversions is both an art and a science. Numerous factors, from visitor behavior to site performance, help guide my recommendations. After reviews and reporting, I craft a very clear conversion designed to help you turn more visitors into customers.

I’ve worked with over 400+ brands to help them design and optimize websites that work — and these are just some of the results they’ve seen: 


Increase in traffic


Increase in prices


Client: Jessica Hottle

8,156% increase in organic traffic
1,448% increase in new keywords

Client: Simply You Nutrition

166% increase in new users
187% increase in organic search visitors

“When I compare the six months before Jess created my new website to these six months after, I’ve seen a 166% increase in new users, 136% increase in sessions, and 187% increase in users who found me through organic search! She’s really helped me connect to my people!” – Sydney

“I have worked with VERY FEW people who deliver what and when they say they will deliver.

Jess exceeded my hopes. She helped me figure out what I want, totally put me at ease, and now I actually feel like I understand my website.” 

– Nicki Wilson, fitness coach

“Jess knows what she’s doing!

She is very patient, laid-back, responsive to feedback, and available for questions. Her depth of knowledge goes beyond web design and she’s generous with sharing what she knows.”

– Colleen Webb, RD

“Jess knows her stuff, creates beautiful web designs, and is VERY organized. You know exactly what to expect.

In my opinion, for a solo RD, a website is an extension of your home and yourself. It needs to reflect who you truly are. Jess captured that for me.”

– Barbara Barrett, RD

Have more questions before you hire a web designer?

I get it, this is a big commitment. So let’s answer some of those burning questions:

Will you audit my entire website?

This audit is designed to focus on 4 to 5 of your highest-value pages. This might be your Home page, Services page, Shop page, or sales pages. If you’re unsure which pages are the most important to your audit, make note of that on your booking form

What if I want more pages audited?

We can customize a package together! Click here and let me know how many pages you want included in your website audit.

Will you make the recommended improvements for me?

Yes! I make minor adjustments during our month together. Think… button tweaks, color swaps, minor text changes. No major layout changes.

What is your refund policy?

Once services are complete, there are no refunds. I cannot truly guarantee results (nor can any other website or conversion expert).

Looking for small business website design & SEO resources?

I’ve been doing this for a while and over that time, I’ve created a bunch of resources and recommendations to help you improve your website design, SEO, and conversions.


My blog is full of articles, videos, and podcast episodes to help you with your website, SEO, and reach.

Check them out here!


Need help learning how to update your site’s SEO, improve conversion, and make your site work for you?

Grab one of my guides!


Looking for recommendations on website platforms, email tools… even business books? I’ve listed my favorites for you!

See my recommendations here!