Web Design Services for Your Small Business

Time for a website that builds trust with your ideal client.

See my WordPress and Squarespace web design projects

I’ve worked on 400+ websites and brands for small business owners, health and wellness professionals, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs. (And optimized them for search and conversion!) Sort by industry below to get an idea of what’s possible with your site design! Or, check out my case studies below.

Please note: All sites are CUSTOM-made, which means your site will not look exactly like anything you see.





“The website was worth it 1,000x over. I wanted to have a beautiful, professional website for when I officially launched out on my own. I’m consistently getting new client inquiries through my site, and they’re all ideal clients who are ready to book… I save so much time not taking calls with people who aren’t really interested, can’t afford it, etc. My client roster is full at the moment, but I’ve been able to generate a nice waitlist for when spots turnover or open up. It’s an amazing feeling.” – Montanta DePasquale

When I think about what makes working with Jess so unique and critical to my business, it truly goes beyond a website for me.

Throughout the process, Jess spends time to really educate me on the why’s behind the choices she is making so that I understand how they can impact my business and ability to reach my clients. She also makes sure that I know what to do as well so that I feel I have power to make shifts and changes to my site based on my business need. I think some people don’t realize what they get with working with Jess until the process starts and then its super clear: this is about a larger strategy filled with education and guidance for you and your business and not “just a website.”

Oh, and the four clients I’ve booked in the last 10 days since we worked on the website: 1 Contract: $7500, Accelerator Spot: $2500, 2 Speaking Gigs: $1000!

– Dynasti Hunt

Web design services perfect for your needs

The websites shown above are just a glimpse of some of my work. These projects all had varied needs! The one thing they have in common? They’re more than just pretty — they get results!

My web design services are ideal for small business owners and entrepreneurs in the health and wellness space, speaking & thought leadership, and online services. 

My web design services can help you:

  • Establish a brand-new online presence
  • Upgrade your original website
  • Transition from one website platform to another
  • Set up an e-commerce store
  • Optimize your site for SEO & conversions
  • And so much more!

“Since launching my website, I have consistently closed my monthly goals for 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and, course. I’ve been able to grow my email list more consistently and build value with my audience through my blog. The website gave my social and email marketing efforts more authority and visibility, and I’m so grateful!”

– Melissa Landry, RD

I can help beyond just a new website design!

Aside from award-winning web design services for small businesses, I also offer VIP days for website updates/refreshes and SEO, as well as branding!